
Check out some of the links below to overload on retro info!

System Companies

Activision Pitfall e.t.c.
Atari always changing hands.
Bandai Producer of handhelds and robot toys
Nintendo Producer of some of the best gaming systems and games.
Microsoft Console newbies
Sega Sega
Sony Playstation news and support.

Games Companies

Codemasters From BMX simulator to Colin McRae Rally
Bitmap Brothers Another long-standing game company, Speedball 2 creators.
Capcom Street Fighter 2 fame.
Konami Creator of some of the best console games around.
LLamasoft Jeff Minters quirky games
RARE From Jetpac to Perfect Dark
SquareSoft Made loads of RPGs for most systems.

Web Rings

CCNUK Archived UK Classic Collectors Database.

Retro/other Sites

Midi shrine Game music midi-files
Chillout Games Our main site!

Other Sites

Retro console leads Great for SCART cables on old consoles

Museum Sites

Retro-Games Our own museum section
Computer History History of gaming computers
HCM Home computer museum

Game Downloads/Online Games

Retro-Spec Remake enthusiasts

Game Info

Nintendo Life
Specialist Nintendo site including old platforms
Cheating Dome Game cheats and codes for lots of systems.
Retro Direction Youtube reviews of classic games by Mike Retro.
Dragons Lair Project/ Everything you could want to know about Dragons Lair and other laser disk arcade machines.
KLOV Killer List of video games, listing of arcade games with info and pictures.
The Pong Story The story of the famous PONG read it here :)
Retro Gamer Main UK retro gaming magazine
GameFaqs World's largest database of walkthroughs - although not as great for retro titles
Moby Games Mega database of most video games ever released
Flat Batteries Top 100 games from the last 4 decades reviewed
Portugual Gamers O Portugal Gamers é um site totalmente independente, que procura informar todos os nossos leitores sobre as novidades do mundo dos videojogos


Stella Stella is a freely distributed multi-platform Atari 2600 VCS emulator available for most platforms.
Arcade Emulators Details of some of the better arcade emulators available.